Change My Booking

Tickets can be exchanged prior to an event via the “My Account” link at the top of the website. Detailed instructions provided below.  Bookings can be exchanged up until 2 hours before screening time or 5:45pm on the day of the screening (whichever is the earlier).

Step 1

Log into your account with the credentials used when you purchased your ticket/s

Step 2

Once logged in, navigate to the tickets page by clicking “tickets” on the menu.

Step 3

When you’ve reached the tickets page, tick the checkboxes next to the tickets you would like to exchange, then click “Exchange”.

Step 4

Our software offers 2 different types of exchanges. 

  1. Quick exchange lets you search all movies playing during the season. Type the name of the movie and click “search”.
  2. Add a manual exchange to your cart and then browse the program to select your replacement session(s) and item(s).

Step 5

Once your exchange has been chosen it will be added to your cart. Make sure you checkout to complete your ticket exchange.  

You will only be able to check out if your order total is $0 or above (you can pay a little more if you add some more items).

After checkout is successful, you will be emailed a receipt and new ticket(s) if you chose another event.